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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
16: The Sermon on the Mount 03/20/22 16: The Sermon on the Mount Marc Hinds Sermon Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_3_20_BibleClassMH.mp3
Over the Long Haul 03/13/22 Over the Long Haul Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_3_13_SermonMH.mp3
15: The Twelve Apostles 03/13/22 15: The Twelve Apostles Marc Hinds Bible Class N/A Sun AM 2022_3_13_BibleClassMH.mp3
Be Perfect 03/06/22 Be Perfect Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_3_6_SermonMH.mp3
14: Growing Opposition 03/06/22 14: Growing Opposition Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_3_6_BibleClassMH.mp3
I Do Not Change 02/27/22 I Do Not Change Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_2_27_SermonMH.mp3
13: The Galilean Ministry Begins 02/27/22 13: The Galilean Ministry Begins Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_2_27_BibleClassMH.mp3
The Delight of God 02/13/22 The Delight of God Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_2_13_SermonMH.mp3
11: Nicodemus 02/13/22 11: Nicodemus Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_2_13_BibleClassMH.mp3
Climbing Trees and Chopping Wood 02/06/22 Climbing Trees and Chopping Wood Larry White Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_2_6_SermonLW.mp3
10: Jesus Begins His Ministry 02/06/22 10: Jesus Begins His Ministry Shane Torno Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_2_6_BibleClass.mp3
"Where Are You?" 01/30/22 "Where Are You?" Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_1_30_SermonMH.mp3
9: Jesus' Baptism and Temptation 01/30/22 9: Jesus' Baptism and Temptation Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_1_30_BibleClassMH.mp3
How To Win Over Worry 01/23/22 How To Win Over Worry Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_1_23_SermonMH.mp3
8: John the Baptist's Ministry 01/23/22 8: John the Baptist's Ministry Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_1_23_BibleClassMH.mp3
Easy to Understand, Hard to Do - Divorce 01/16/22 Easy to Understand, Hard to Do - Divorce Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_1_16_SermonMH.mp3
7: Early Childhood of Jesus 01/16/22 7: Early Childhood of Jesus Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_1_16_BibleClass_AmazedByJesus.mp3
Easy to Understand, Hard to Do 01/09/22 Easy to Understand, Hard to Do Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_1_9_SermonMH_Sermon.mp3
6: The Birth of Jesus 01/09/22 6: The Birth of Jesus Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_1_9_BibleStudyMH_AmazedByJesus.mp3
The First Day 01/02/22 The First Day Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_1_2_SermonMH_TheFIrstDay.mp3
5: The Birth of John the Baptist 01/02/22 5: The Birth of John the Baptist Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2022_1_2_BibleClassMH_5AmazedByJesus.mp3
Believing All Over Again 12/26/21 Believing All Over Again Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_12_26_SermonMH_BelievingAllOverAgain.mp3
4: King Jesus and His Kingdom 12/26/21 4: King Jesus and His Kingdom Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2021_12_26_BibleClassMH_4KingJesusandHisKingdom.mp3
Saved Out of Darkness 12/19/21 Saved Out of Darkness Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_12_19_SermonMH_SavedOutofDarkness.mp3
3: Between the Testaments 12/19/21 3: Between the Testaments Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Sun AM 2021_12_19_BibleClassMH_3BetweenTestaments.mp3

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