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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
The Obligation of God to Israel (Joshua 21:43-45) 10/22/23 The Obligation of God to Israel (Joshua 21:43-45) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_10_22_2023.mp3
The Wisdom from the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:6–16) 10/15/23 The Wisdom from the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:6–16) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_10_15_2023.mp3
The Foolishness of the Cross (1 Corinthians 1:18–2:5) 10/08/23 The Foolishness of the Cross (1 Corinthians 1:18–2:5) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_10_08_2023.mp3
Dressing to Worship (1 Timothy 2:9–10) 10/01/23 Dressing to Worship (1 Timothy 2:9–10) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_10_01_2023.mp3
Doing Your Best With What You Know (Acts 18:24–28) 09/24/23 Doing Your Best With What You Know (Acts 18:24–28) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_09_24_2023.mp3
6-Bible Study: Discover God's Word 09/20/23 6-Bible Study: Discover God's Word Berry Kercheville Sermon Meeting with Berry Kercheville (2023) Gospel Meeting 6-BibleStudy-DiscoverGodsWord.mp3
7-Living the Rest of Your Time for the Will of God 09/20/23 7-Living the Rest of Your Time for the Will of God Berry Kercheville Sermon Meeting with Berry Kercheville (2023) Gospel Meeting 7-LivingTheRestOfYourTimeForTheWillOfGod.mp3
5-Serving Christ With the End in View 09/19/23 5-Serving Christ With the End in View Berry Kercheville Sermon Meeting with Berry Kercheville (2023) Gospel Meeting 5-ServingChristWithTheEndInView.mp3
4-Arm Yourselves by Thinking the Way Christ Thinks 09/18/23 4-Arm Yourselves by Thinking the Way Christ Thinks Berry Kercheville Sermon Meeting with Berry Kercheville (2023) Gospel Meeting 4-ArmYourselvesByThinkingTheWayChristThinks.mp3
3-Sufferings Worth the Souls of the World 09/17/23 3-Sufferings Worth the Souls of the World Berry Kercheville Sermon Meeting with Berry Kercheville (2023) Gospel Meeting 3-SufferingIsWorthTheSoulsOfTheWorld.mp3
2-Born Again to Love One Another Fervently 09/17/23 2-Born Again to Love One Another Fervently Berry Kercheville Sermon Meeting with Berry Kercheville (2023) Gospel Meeting 2-BornAgainToLoveOneAnotherFervently.mp3
1-Know Who You Are: Elect Exiles 09/17/23 1-Know Who You Are: Elect Exiles Berry Kercheville Sermon Meeting with Berry Kercheville (2023) Gospel Meeting 1-KnowWhoYouAre-ElectExiles.mp3
The Benefit of the Doubt (Matthew 11:1–6) 09/10/23 The Benefit of the Doubt (Matthew 11:1–6) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_09_10_2023.mp3
Gaining Strength through Bible Classes 09/03/23 Gaining Strength through Bible Classes Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_09_03_2023.mp3
The God Who Speaks By Fire! (1 Kings 18:36–39) 08/27/23 The God Who Speaks By Fire! (1 Kings 18:36–39) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_08_27_2023.mp3
Single and Christian (1 Corinthians 7:7–9) 08/20/23 Single and Christian (1 Corinthians 7:7–9) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_08_20_2023.mp3
Does Christianity Still Work? (Acts 26:24) 08/13/23 Does Christianity Still Work? (Acts 26:24) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_08_13_2023.mp3
Not For Sale! (1 Kings 21:1–3) 08/06/23 Not For Sale! (1 Kings 21:1–3) Marc Hinds Sermon Back to School Sun AM Sunday_Worship_08_06_2023.mp3
Seek God (Matthew 6:32–33) 07/30/23 Seek God (Matthew 6:32–33) Noah Smith Sermon 5th Sunday Sun AM Sunday_Worship_07_30_2023.mp3
Crushing the Head of the Serpent (Genesis 3:15) 07/23/23 Crushing the Head of the Serpent (Genesis 3:15) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_07_23_2023.mp3
Finish-Line Faith (2 Timothy 4:6–8) 07/16/23 Finish-Line Faith (2 Timothy 4:6–8) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_07_16_2023.mp3
The Second Touch (Mark 8:22–26) 07/09/23 The Second Touch (Mark 8:22–26) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Worship_07_09_2023.mp3
God’s Prescription For Troubled Marriages 07/02/23 God’s Prescription For Troubled Marriages Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_07_02.mp3
Grow in Grace (2 Peter 3:18) 06/25/23 Grow in Grace (2 Peter 3:18) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_06-25.mp3
Sermon by Ruben Salas 06/18/23 Sermon by Ruben Salas Ruben Salas Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_6_18_SermonRS.mp3

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