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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Loosening the Enemy's Hold on Our Finances 03/19/23 Loosening the Enemy's Hold on Our Finances Larry White Sermon Equip Sun AM 2023_03_19_SermonLW.mp3
16: The Arrest 03/19/23 16: The Arrest Shane Torno Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_03_19_BibleClassST.mp3
Holding Steady in Life's Storms 03/12/23 Holding Steady in Life's Storms Marc Hinds Sermon Equip Sun AM 2023_03_12_SermonMH.mp3
15: According to the Scriptures 03/12/23 15: According to the Scriptures Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_03_12_BibleClassMH.mp3
Drilling Holes Through Our Doubts 03/05/23 Drilling Holes Through Our Doubts Marc Hinds Sermon Equip Sun AM 2023_03_05_SermonMH.mp3
14: The Upper Room Discourse 03/05/23 14: The Upper Room Discourse Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_03_05_BibleClassMH.mp3
Cutting Out the Secret Sin in Our Lives 02/26/23 Cutting Out the Secret Sin in Our Lives Marc Hinds Sermon Equip Sun AM 2023_3_5_Sermon.mp3
13: The Last Supper 02/26/23 13: The Last Supper Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_3_5_BibleClass.mp3
A Fork In The Road 02/19/23 A Fork In The Road Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_2_19_SermonMH.mp3
12: The Olivet Discourse 02/19/23 12: The Olivet Discourse Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_2_19_BibleClassMH.mp3
3 Secrets of a Life Well Lived 02/12/23 3 Secrets of a Life Well Lived Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_2_12_SermonMH.mp3
11: Jesus' Response to the Challenges 02/12/23 11: Jesus' Response to the Challenges Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_2_12_BibleClassMH.mp3
If I Believe, Why Do I Doubt? 02/05/23 If I Believe, Why Do I Doubt? Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_02_05_SermonMH.mp3
10: The Passion Week (Tuesday) 02/05/23 10: The Passion Week (Tuesday) Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_02_05_BibleClassMH.mp3
Gaining Motivation for Good Works 01/29/23 Gaining Motivation for Good Works Shane Torno Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_1_29_SermonST.mp3
9: The Passion Week (Monday) 01/29/23 9: The Passion Week (Monday) Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_1_29_BibleClassMH.mp3
Hindrances to Obeying the Gospel 01/22/23 Hindrances to Obeying the Gospel Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_01_22_SermonMH.mp3
8: The Triumphal Entry 01/22/23 8: The Triumphal Entry Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_01_22_BibleClassMH.mp3
Is Our Evangelism Like Jesus or the Pharisees? 01/15/23 Is Our Evangelism Like Jesus or the Pharisees? Darrell Hymel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_1_15_Sermon.mp3
7: Luke's Central Section Concludes 01/15/23 7: Luke's Central Section Concludes Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_1_15_BibleClass.mp3
Sermon by Darrell Hymel 01/08/23 Sermon by Darrell Hymel Darrell Hymel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_1_8_Sermon.mp3
6: Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead 01/08/23 6: Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_1_8_BibleClass.mp3
A New You 01/01/23 A New You Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2023_01_01_SermonMH.mp3
5: Luke's Central Section Continues 01/01/23 5: Luke's Central Section Continues Marc Hinds Bible Class Amazed By Jesus Vol 2 Sun AM 2023_01_01_BibleClassMH.mp3
Wise Men Still Seek Him 12/25/22 Wise Men Still Seek Him Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022_12_25_SermonMH.mp3

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