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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
"Do You See This Woman?" (Luke 7:44) 10/27/19 "Do You See This Woman?" (Luke 7:44) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-10-27-MH-DoYouSeeThisWoman.mp3
8: Application No. 6 - Hate and Love (Matthew 5: 43-48) 10/27/19 8: Application No. 6 - Hate and Love (Matthew 5: 43-48) Marc Hinds Bible Class The Sermon On The Mount Sun AM 2019-10-27-BibleClass-MH-8-HateAndLove.mp3
7: Application No. 5 - Retaliation and Service (Matthew 5: 38-42) 10/20/19 7: Application No. 5 - Retaliation and Service (Matthew 5: 38-42) Marc Hinds Bible Class The Sermon On The Mount Sun AM 2019-10-20-BibleClass-MH-LoveAndHate.mp3
Dealing With Discouragement 10/20/19 Dealing With Discouragement Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-10-20-MH-DealingWithDiscouragement.mp3
Following The Steps Of Jesus (1 Peter 2:21) 10/13/19 Following The Steps Of Jesus (1 Peter 2:21) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-10-13-MH-FootstepsOfJesus.mp3
6: Application No. 4 - Oaths and Integrity (Matthew 5:33-37) 10/13/19 6: Application No. 4 - Oaths and Integrity (Matthew 5:33-37) Marc Hinds Bible Class The Sermon On The Mount Sun AM 2019-10-13-BS-MH-OathsAndIntegrity.mp3
Firewall: Does Your Marriage Have One? 10/06/19 Firewall: Does Your Marriage Have One? Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-10-6-MH-Firewall.mp3
5: Application No. 3 - Divorce and Marriage (Matthew 5:27-32) 10/06/19 5: Application No. 3 - Divorce and Marriage (Matthew 5:27-32) Marc Hinds Bible Class The Sermon On The Mount Sun AM 2019-10-6-BibleClass-MH-DivorceAndMarriage.mp3
Please Come Forward As We Stand and Sing... (Matthew 11:28-30) 09/29/19 Please Come Forward As We Stand and Sing... (Matthew 11:28-30) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-9-29-MH-PleaseComeForward.mp3
4: Application No. 1 - Murder and Anger (Matthew 5:21-26) 09/29/19 4: Application No. 1 - Murder and Anger (Matthew 5:21-26) Marc Hinds Bible Class The Sermon On The Mount Sun AM 2019-9-29-BibleClass-MH-MurderAndAnger.mp3
Myths About Maturity (Ephesians 4:13-15) 09/22/19 Myths About Maturity (Ephesians 4:13-15) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-9-22-MH-MythsAboutMaturity.mp3
3: The Kingdom and Righteousness (Matthew 5:17-20) 09/22/19 3: The Kingdom and Righteousness (Matthew 5:17-20) Marc Hinds Bible Class The Sermon On The Mount Sun AM 2019-22-9-BibleClass-MH-TheKingdomAndRighteousness.mp3
God Doesn't Get Tired: The Barrier of Burnout 09/22/19 God Doesn't Get Tired: The Barrier of Burnout Taylor Ladd Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 2019-09-18p-TL-GodTired.mp3
The Kingdom is Bigger Than Me: The Barrier of Limited Perspective 09/18/19 The Kingdom is Bigger Than Me: The Barrier of Limited Perspective Taylor Ladd Gospel Meeting Breaking Barriers with God’s Word Gospel Meeting 2019-09-18a-TL-kingdomIsBigger.mp3
Moses and Me: The Barrier of Failure 09/17/19 Moses and Me: The Barrier of Failure Taylor Ladd Gospel Meeting Breaking Barriers with God’s Word Gospel Meeting 2019-09-17-TL-mosesAndMe.mp3
“If the Foundations Are Destroyed”: The Barrier of Uncertainty 09/16/19 “If the Foundations Are Destroyed”: The Barrier of Uncertainty Taylor Ladd Gospel Meeting Breaking Barriers with God’s Word Gospel Meeting 2019-09-16-TL-foundationsDestroyed.mp3
Distracted Discipleship: The Barrier of Distractions 09/15/19 Distracted Discipleship: The Barrier of Distractions Taylor Ladd Gospel Meeting Breaking Barriers with God’s Word Sun PM 2019-09-15p-TL-distractedDiscipleship.mp3
Jesus and the Outcast: The Barrier of Fear 09/15/19 Jesus and the Outcast: The Barrier of Fear Taylor Ladd Gospel Meeting Breaking Barriers with God’s Word Sun AM 2019-15-9-GospelMeeting-TaylorLadd-JesusAndTheOutcast.mp3
Letting God's Word Work: The Barrier of Blindness 09/15/19 Letting God's Word Work: The Barrier of Blindness Taylor Ladd Gospel Meeting Breaking Barriers with God’s Word Sun AM 2019-9-15-GospelMeeting-TaylorLadd-LettingGodsWordWorkTheBarrierofBlindness.mp3
2: Salt and Light Giving (Matthew 5:13-16) 09/08/19 2: Salt and Light Giving (Matthew 5:13-16) Marc Hinds Bible Class The Sermon On The Mount Sun AM 2019-9-8-MH-BibleClass-2SaltAndLightGiving.mp3
The Courage of David 09/08/19 The Courage of David Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-9-8-MH-TheCourageOfDavid.mp3
Amazed By Jesus (Mark 6:1-6) 09/01/19 Amazed By Jesus (Mark 6:1-6) Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-9-1-MH-AmazedByJesus.mp3
1: The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) 09/01/19 1: The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) Marc Hinds Bible Class The Sermon On The Mount Sun AM 2019-9-1-BibleClass-MH-SermonOnTheMount.mp3
Finding The Way Of Escape 08/25/19 Finding The Way Of Escape Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-8-25-MH-FindingTheWayOfEscape.mp3
8: The First Great Controversy 08/25/19 8: The First Great Controversy Walker Perkins Bible Class Ecclesiology of the Church of Christ: Doctrine & History Sun AM 2019-8-25-WP-BibleClass-TheFirstGreatControversy.mp3

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