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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Seeing Jesus 10/04/20 Seeing Jesus Marc Hinds Sermon 2020 Theme: Our 2020 Vision Sun AM 2020_10_4_SermonMH_SeeingJesus.mp3
5: Jochebed, Miriam, and Zipporah 10/04/20 5: Jochebed, Miriam, and Zipporah Shane Torno Bible Class The Influence of a Woman Sun AM 2020_10_4_BibleClassST_5JochebedMiriamZipporah.mp3
Church Membership 09/27/20 Church Membership Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_9_27_SermonMH_ChurchMembership.mp3
4: Potiphar's Wife 09/27/20 4: Potiphar's Wife Shane Torno Bible Class The Influence of a Woman Sun AM 2020_9_27_BibleClassST_PotipharsWife.mp3
Have You Considered My Servant Job? 09/20/20 Have You Considered My Servant Job? Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_9_20_SermonMH_ConsideredServantJob.mp3
3: Rebekah 09/20/20 3: Rebekah Shane Torno Bible Class The Influence of a Woman Sun AM 2020_9_20_BibleClassST_3Rebekah.mp3
Conquering Failure to Forgive 09/13/20 Conquering Failure to Forgive Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_9_13_SermonMH_ConqueringFailureToForgive.mp3
2: Sarah 09/13/20 2: Sarah Shane Torno Bible Class The Influence of a Woman Sun AM 2020_9_13_SarahAndAbraham.mp3
Blind Leading the Blind 09/06/20 Blind Leading the Blind Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_9_6_SermonMH_BlindLeadingTheBlind.mp3
1: Eve and Job's Wife 09/06/20 1: Eve and Job's Wife Shane Torno Bible Class The Influence of a Woman Sun AM 2020_9_6_BibleClassST_EveAndJobsWife.mp3
Is God Enough? 08/30/20 Is God Enough? Larry White Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_8_30_SermonLW_IsGodEnough.mp3
12: Jairus's Daughter 08/30/20 12: Jairus's Daughter Marc Hinds Bible Class Miracles of Jesus Sun AM 2020_8_30_BibleClassMH_12JairusDaughter.mp3
11: Jesus Heals Ten Lepers 08/23/20 11: Jesus Heals Ten Lepers Marc Hinds Bible Class Miracles of Jesus Sun AM 2020_8_23_BibleClassMH_11WhereAretheNine.mp3
It's Your Funeral 08/23/20 It's Your Funeral Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_8_23_SermonMH_ItsYourFuneral.mp3
10: The Binding of Satan 08/16/20 10: The Binding of Satan Marc Hinds Bible Class Miracles of Jesus Sun AM 2020_8_16_BibleClassMH_10TheUnpardonableSin.mp3
Can You Hear Me Now? 08/16/20 Can You Hear Me Now? Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_8_16_SermonMH_CanYouHearMeNow.mp3
Facing Facebook: Dangers of Social Networking 08/09/20 Facing Facebook: Dangers of Social Networking Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_8_9_SermonMH_DangersOfSocialMedia.mp3
Isaiah 08/02/20 Isaiah Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_8_2_SermonMH_Isaiah.mp3
John 9 08/02/20 John 9 Marc Hinds Bible Class Miracles of Jesus Sun AM 2020_8_2_BibleClassMH_MiraclesofJesus.mp3
Miracles of Jesus 08/02/20 Miracles of Jesus Marc Hinds Bible Class N/A Sun AM 2020_8_2_BibleClass_MarcHinds_.mp3
Spiritual Blindness 08/02/20 Spiritual Blindness Marc Hinds Sermon 2020 Theme: Our 2020 Vision Sun AM 2020_8_2_MarcHinds_SpirtualBlindness.mp3
July - Sermon 07/31/20 July - Sermon Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_SermonMH_unknown.mp3
John 21 07/14/20 John 21 Marc Hinds Bible Class Miracles of Jesus Sun AM 2020_7_xx_BibleClassMH_John21.mp3
Matthew 6:27 07/12/20 Matthew 6:27 Ricardo Baca Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020_SermonRB.mp3
A Church That Pleases God 06/28/20 A Church That Pleases God Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2020-06-28-AM_Sermon-Marc-Hinds_A-Church-That-Pleases-God.mp3

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