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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
4: Parenting By the Book 09/21/21 4: Parenting By the Book Don Truex Sermon Meeting with Don Truex (2021) Gospel Meeting It_All_Begins_at_Home_4_Don_Truex.mp3
3: Honoring Mom and Dad 09/20/21 3: Honoring Mom and Dad Don Truex Sermon Meeting with Don Truex (2021) Gospel Meeting It_All_Begins_at_Home_3_Don_Truex.mp3
2: I Love Marriage 09/19/21 2: I Love Marriage Don Truex Sermon Meeting with Don Truex (2021) Gospel Meeting It_All_Begins_at_Home_2_Don_Truex.mp3
1: It All Begins at Home 09/19/21 1: It All Begins at Home Don Truex Sermon Meeting with Don Truex (2021) Sun AM 2021_9_19_GospelMeeting_Sermon.mp3
0: Finding Common Ground (Acts 17:16–34) 09/19/21 0: Finding Common Ground (Acts 17:16–34) Don Truex Sermon Meeting with Don Truex (2021) Sun AM 2021_9_19_GospelMeeting_AMBibleClass.mp3
9/11: The Cry of Why 09/12/21 9/11: The Cry of Why Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_9_12_SermonMH_911TheWhy.mp3
2: 1 Corinthians Study 09/12/21 2: 1 Corinthians Study Rob Perkins Bible Class N/A Sun AM 2021_9_12_BibleClassRP_2_1Corinthians.mp3
The Joy of Baptism 09/05/21 The Joy of Baptism Marc Hinds Sermon 2021 Theme: Joy of the Lord Sun AM 2021_9_5_SermonMH_Sermon.mp3
1: 1 Corinthians Study 09/05/21 1: 1 Corinthians Study Rob Perkins Bible Class N/A Sun AM 2021_9_12_BibleClassRP_1_Corinthians.mp3
Aaron and the Golden Calf 08/29/21 Aaron and the Golden Calf Shane Torno Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_8_29_SermonST_AaronAndtheGoldenCalf.mp3
13: Review (Bible Jeopardy) 08/29/21 13: Review (Bible Jeopardy) Marc Hinds Bible Class The Big Picture Sun AM 2021_8_29_BibleClassMH_BibleJeopardy.mp3
Devoting My Time To Jesus 08/22/21 Devoting My Time To Jesus Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_8_22_SermonMH_TimeforJesus.mp3
12: Revelation 08/22/21 12: Revelation Marc Hinds Bible Class The Big Picture Sun AM 2021_8_22_BibleClassMH_Revelation.mp3
Bitterness 08/15/21 Bitterness Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_8_15_SermonMH_Bitterness.mp3
11: The General Letters 08/15/21 11: The General Letters Marc Hinds Bible Class The Big Picture Sun AM 2021_8_15_BibleClassMH_11GeneralLetters.mp3
Back to School 08/08/21 Back to School Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_8_8_SermonMH_BackToSchool.mp3
10: Letters of Paul 08/08/21 10: Letters of Paul Marc Hinds Bible Class The Big Picture Sun AM 2021_8_8_BibleClassMH_LettersofPaul.mp3
The Joy of Repentence 08/01/21 The Joy of Repentence Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_8_1_SermonMH_JoyOfRepentence.mp3
9: The Journeys of Paul 08/01/21 9: The Journeys of Paul Marc Hinds Bible Class The Big Picture Sun AM 2021_8_1_BibleClassMH_9JourneysofPaul.mp3
The Sinking Syndrome 07/25/21 The Sinking Syndrome Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_7_25_SermonMH_TheSinkingSyndrome.mp3
8: The Church Spreads to Judea and Samaria 07/25/21 8: The Church Spreads to Judea and Samaria Marc Hinds Bible Class The Big Picture Sun AM 2021_7_25_BibleClassMH_8Church.mp3
Four Anchors (Part 2) 07/18/21 Four Anchors (Part 2) Marc Hinds Sermon The Big Picture Sun AM 2021_7_18_SermonMH_Anchors.mp3
7: The Church Starts in Jerusalem 07/18/21 7: The Church Starts in Jerusalem Marc Hinds Bible Class The Big Picture Sun AM 2021_7_18_BibleClassMH_7ChurchStartsinJerusalem.mp3
Four Anchors 07/11/21 Four Anchors Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021_7_11_SermonMH_FourAnchors.mp3
6: Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Exhaltation 07/11/21 6: Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Exhaltation Marc Hinds Bible Class The Big Picture Sun AM 2021_7_11_BibleClassMH_6CrucifixtionResurrectinExhalt.mp3

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