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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02 Building Momentum in Bible Reading 03/20/19 02 Building Momentum in Bible Reading Marc Hinds Bible Class How to Study the Bible Wed Bible Study HSTB_02.mp3
Fingerprints of a NT Church (3-4) 03/17/19 Fingerprints of a NT Church (3-4) Marc Hinds Sermon Fingerprints Of A New Testament Church Sun AM 2019-3-17--MH-GodRevealedTruth.mp3
11: The Birth Of Issac (Gen. 20-21) 03/17/19 11: The Birth Of Issac (Gen. 20-21) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-3-17-MH-TheBirthOfIssacGen20-21.mp3
01 Benefits of Reading God’s Word Daily 03/13/19 01 Benefits of Reading God’s Word Daily Marc Hinds Bible Class How to Study the Bible Wed Bible Study HSTB_01.mp3
Fingerprints of a NT Church (2-4) 03/10/19 Fingerprints of a NT Church (2-4) Marc Hinds Sermon Fingerprints Of A New Testament Church Sun AM 2019-3-10-MH-WhoAreWe.mp3
10: Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18–19) 03/10/19 10: Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18–19) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-3-10-MH-SodomAndGomorrahGen19-19.mp3
Fingerprints of a NT Church (1-4) 03/03/19 Fingerprints of a NT Church (1-4) Marc Hinds Sermon Fingerprints Of A New Testament Church Sun AM 2019-3-3-MH-TheWorkOfTheChurch.mp3
9: God’s Covenant With Abraham (Gen 15–17) 03/03/19 9: God’s Covenant With Abraham (Gen 15–17) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-3-3-MH-BibleStudyAMGodsCovenantWithAbraham.mp3
Acts, Baptism, And You 02/24/19 Acts, Baptism, And You Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-2-24-MH-ActsBaptismAndYou.mp3
8: Melchizedek (Gen 14) 02/24/19 8: Melchizedek (Gen 14) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-2-24-MH-BibleStudyAMGenesis8.mp3
He Knows Your Name 02/17/19 He Knows Your Name Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-2-17-HeKnowsYourName-Psalm139-13-18.mp3
7: The Call of Abraham (Gen 12 - 13) 02/17/19 7: The Call of Abraham (Gen 12 - 13) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-2-17-BibleStudyAMGenesis7.mp3
Tenacious Faith - Luke 18:1-8 02/10/19 Tenacious Faith - Luke 18:1-8 Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-2-10-TenaciousFaith.mp3
6: Tower of Babel (Gen 11) 02/10/19 6: Tower of Babel (Gen 11) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-2-10-BibleStudyAMTowerOfBabel.mp3
God's Power For Your Marriage 02/03/19 God's Power For Your Marriage Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-2-3-MH-GodsPowerForYourMarriage.mp3
5: Noah and the Flood (Gen 6–9) 02/03/19 5: Noah and the Flood (Gen 6–9) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-3-2-MH-BibleStudyAMNoahandFlood.mp3
When God Says No 01/27/19 When God Says No Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-27-1-MH-WhenGodSaysNo.mp3
4: Cain and Abel (Gen 4–5) 01/27/19 4: Cain and Abel (Gen 4–5) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-27-1-MH-BibleStudyAMGenesis_4.mp3
Differences Between Heaven and Hell 01/20/19 Differences Between Heaven and Hell Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-20-1-MH-TheDifferencesBetweenHeavenandHell.mp3
3: Adam and Eve (Gen 2–3) 01/20/19 3: Adam and Eve (Gen 2–3) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-20-1-MH-BibleStudyAMGenesis_2.mp3
You Put Him To Death - Acts 2:23 01/13/19 You Put Him To Death - Acts 2:23 Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-13-1-MH-YouPutHimToDeath.mp3
2: Creation (Gen 1:1–2:3) 01/13/19 2: Creation (Gen 1:1–2:3) Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-13-1-MH-BibleStudyAMGenesis.mp3
The Great Blessing 01/06/19 The Great Blessing Marc Hinds Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-1-6-MHinds-TheGreatBlessing.mp3
1: God, The Ultimate Protagonist 01/06/19 1: God, The Ultimate Protagonist Marc Hinds Bible Class Genesis Sun AM 2019-1-6-MHinds-BibleStudy1Genesis.mp3
Year End Roundup 12/30/18 Year End Roundup Rob Perkins Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018-12-30-RP-YearEndRoundup.mp3

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